I’m Engaged! – My Real Life “Jane Austen” Story

Dear, dear readers,

I have the very best of news to share with you.  Many of you who follow this blog will have already seen my fiance on here a long time ago, though I had not a clue back then what would happen.  God always has surprises in store.


You may recall that time that I sewed the Scarlett Ohara ballgown for a dance – you know, that huge ivory and dark green dress that I crafted using an incredibly rare 1940s pattern – Hollywood Pattern 1988…  Well, it just so happens that the first man who asked me to dance at that Civil War ball, would later end up asking me to marry him!  So yes, I met my fiance at an English Country dance.  (I must warn you that there will be a lot of Jane Austen quotes in this story – if you don’t recognize some of the British sounding lines, a thorough viewing of Pride & Prejudice may answer your questions.)


“Do You Care to Dance?”

It was a humid summer day in 2014, when 150 of us dancers were crowded into a large barn, all clad in 1860s attire…  I knew not a soul in the room but had attended this dance to have an excuse to sew my Scarlett O’Hara ballgown.  The dance caller announced for all the men to ask someone to dance, and I didn’t expect to be asked right away as most everyone else in this group already knew each other.  But suddenly a smiling young guy appeared out of nowhere and asked if I wanted to dance.  He took us to the very top of the line where we waited for the music to begin.  We introduced ourselves, but didn’t have much conversation beyond that.  Well, the dance was grand fun, and I never have more fun than when I’m dancing!  I grew up in ballet, so any time I go to a ball I’m always having the time of my life.  It turns out that this man took a liking to me right then and there, though it would take a little while for me to get a clue…

Lars is in the very far right of this picture.

 After that Civil War ball, I started attending a regular class for English Country dance, which Lars (the guy I told you about), also happened to be at.  Before too long I realized that he was always asking me for the first dance…  But he was so quiet and serious that I didn’t think much of it.  He hardly talked and was always very proper around girls (a rare quality in guys nowadays).  So I would have been utterly shocked (and pleasantly surprised!) if I had known way back then that he was praying about me…

 “An Accomplished Young Lady”

Everything changed at a rather monumental ball, where his sweet mother started telling me all about her son and how I needed to talk with him.  She told me that I was “a very accomplished young lady”, which was a well-chosen compliment on her part for a girl who had spent too much time watching Jane Austen films.  She told me all about Lars’ achievements, his career, and his awards in college.  (There were a lot of them.)  “You have so much in common!  You are both self-starters and you should talk to him!”  I was honored she thought I was someone who should “get together” with her son, but I really didn’t think he wanted to talk with me…

Later that night, we had the chance to start talking beyond “small talk”.  Our dance caller could mysteriously not find the music for several minutes, leaving us waiting for the dance to start with nothing to do but talk… When Lars started mentioning specific details of things he had read on my Facebook page from months earlier, I thought, “He looks at my Facebook page?”  I mean, he had sent me a friend request months earlier, but I’d never once seen Lars “like” or “comment” on anything.  It was refreshing to talk with a guy who was a genuine person and wasn’t trying to show off or use stupid pickup lines.

“I Like Him Very Well Indeed”

Well, there were a few teary weeks when I didn’t exactly know what was going on…  I did very much want to talk with him, but I wanted it to be *his* idea if that was going to happen.  We had no communication except for dance class, so I just had to wait every two weeks till the dance came around.  Then I got a bad case of pneumonia and had to miss a dance class, and I was concerned that he’d interpret my absence as not wanting to talk with him anymore…  So to solve the problem, I posted a quote from Pride & Prejudice on Facebook to let all my dancing friends know the real reason I wasn’t there!  (See below.)  Thank God for Jane Austen.


 Meanwhile, I had a lot of time to think and pray, and I did quite a bit of research online about Lars.  I found articles about science research conferences he presented at while he was still in college, and awards he’d won for his work.  I read his blog and his Facebook page *very* thoroughly, and you know what I found?  He had written as the caption of his college graduation portrait some years back, “It is a fact universally acknowledged that a young man in possession of a college degree *must* be in want of a job.”  And I facetiously said aloud to myself, “Okay, this might work.”  He just basically quoted the first line from Pride and Prejudice, people.  But what meant the most to me was the fact that I saw he was person of very upstanding character from everything I read.  There were no sketchy photos or questionable films on his FB page, unlike the majority of young people I knew at the time.  My faith in Jesus is incredibly important to me, so I always knew that anyone I would consider would have to be a strong Christian.  After reading more about him, I started hoping that we could get to know each other better!  And somewhere in the back of my mind, I said to myself, “If this works out and we end up getting married, this is going to be a story for the history books.  ‘I met my husband at a ball while wearing a Scarlett O’Hara ballgown I had sewed myself’…”


“A Most Agreeable Young Man”

The next time I went back to dance class, everything was different.  Lars started talking with me a lot and it felt like things were going somewhere.  I had prayed that some of us could go out after dance class that night which had never happened before.  Lo and behold, a newly married couple invited several of us to go to a restaurant after the class.  There were about twenty people at class, but they only invited four of us out to eat.  Two of those four were Lars and I.  I could hardly believe it.  God was very gracious, and we had a wonderful time talking.  [Editor’s note years later: The background we came from was not ideal for young people to get to know each other – it was difficult to have opportunities to talk, as people expected you didn’t get into a relationship until you were practically ready to marry.  But you can’t marry without getting to know each other, so… it was a much bigger “thing” than for the average couple, that we had an avenue to communicate.  I hope future young generations have it easier!]

“To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love…”

courtship story, christian love story, homeschool love story

Then there was this advanced ball we attended, where I knew we liked each other quite a lot.  He showed up in his tuxedo, and I wore a dark purple silk dress I’d sewn. We’d been dancing together for so many months by this point that it seemed quite natural, and our friends were starting to see us as a couple.  This advanced ball, as you would guess, contained more advanced dances.  We’d had to pass an exam to be allowed to attend this event.  We were both doing our best and nailed them.  It was the most wonderful time of talking and dancing, and I was thinking, “I think this is *the guy*.”  Afterwards, he walked me back to my vehicle.

This was the dress I wore to that ball. It was a 1950s purple taffeta that I sewed, with ruffles at the neckline.

“They Seem to be Very Fond of Each Other” 

After that ball, Lars started messaging me on Facebook.  Quite a lot.  Like 13,000 messages in the first two months… I can’t tell you what a relief it was to have him start communications so we could talk!  (If there are any guys reading this that need to get up the nerve to start talking with someone you like – for goodness’ sake please do!  It’s better to know one way or the other than have things in limbo…)  We discovered that we lined up on basically everything.  (Cats, not dogs.  Tea, not coffee.  We didn’t like the idea of people smashing cake in their new spouse’s face at weddings.  We would use forks instead.)  His knowledge of the Bible was astonishing to me, and I’d never in my life had such in-depth spiritual conversations with someone.  One Scripture would lead to another, and before I knew it, it was eleven at night and we had to sign off…


We decided to make our relationship official on Facebook, but all our friends said they’d seen it coming for months.  In a few short weeks, my whole life changed in the most wonderful way.  He would come to my side of town every Saturday, and I would drive to see him on Sundays on the west side of town.  We took long walks, met each other’s church friends, and went to see The Sound of Music in theaters when it was re-released for the 50th anniversary.  We went hiking, danced exclusively with each other now at dances, and went out to dinner at a retro diner…

I suddenly found all my vases being put to use as Lars brought me flowers every week.

At Portland’s Rose Gardens.

A Funny “Coincidence”…

One night while messaging, we both felt that the Lord gave us specific confirmation that we were on the right track:

We’d been talking about the book of Acts, when an idea popped into my head.  I wrote on Facebook chat, “Have you ever heard of the book called The Heavenly Man?”  (This is a book which describes a Chinese pastor who was persecuted for his faith in prison, and had miraculous escapes.)

About half a second later I saw the comment get sent again, and I thought, “Now that was weird!  How did I send it twice?”

No wait.  It was worded slightly differently. Lars had asked the same book less than a second later, and we both sent them at the same time… His read, “Have you read The Heavenly Man?”  (I took screenshots to prove it.)

Lest you think that this is just a coincidence, let me assure you that we had never talked about this book before.  It is not a well-known Christian book.  In fact, Lars is the only other person I’ve talked to who had already read it.  So we both realized, “Wow!  God is trying to tell us something!”  The odds that we would both randomly ask the exact same question about an obscure book within half a second of each other are not good.  In fact, they are rather astronomical.


An Engaging Announcement!

I think our close friends and families were not remotely surprised when we got engaged earlier this spring!  I knew without a doubt, that this was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.  We’d both been through a lot for young Americans of our age, and understood a lot of each other’s stories.  It was the cliche phrase, “Where have you been my whole life?”  We were friends, best friends, and soulmates.


We had our engagement pictures taken at my all-time favorite photo shoot location, which many of you will recognize from the “Liesl’s Dancing Dress” pattern.


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To My Fellow Young Ladies

So to all the single girls who have not (yet!) met the right person, I want to encourage you to not settle for anything less than what God has for you.  I’m not talking about finding a “perfect” man, because perfect people don’t exist.  What I do mean is that when the Lord brings the right person along, you’ll know!  And don’t believe for a minute that you are any less valuable than the married woman or the girl in a relationship.  Stay faithful to the Lord.  I know what it’s like to finish reading one of these relationship stories and go back to “normal” life and think, “Gosh, I’ve never met any good guys.”  But let me tell you, girls, when God decides it’s time, He will knock your socks off with His blessings!  God saved Lars and I for each other, and I know He is doing the same for each one of you.  Good men are rare, but the Lord has been in the matchmaking business a long time, and He has a way of bringing them together!


I think that whole thing of, “Once you’re content, God will bring you a spouse,” stuff is nonsense.  I was content for years while single.  Similarly, there are lots of people who got married while they were discontent and are still unhappy.  So don’t feel like, “Well, since I’m not married, it must mean I’m not content enough.”  The Bible never says that that’s the reason single people aren’t married yet.  So don’t get discouraged!


I’ve been so busy sewing my wedding dress and planning my wedding, that I’m awfully late in letting you all know about it, but rest assured that I will share all the wedding content here!

Till next time,


edelweiss logo

P.S.  I’m marrying the first man I ever kissed.



  1. Congratulations Lars and Katrina!!

    Katrina, I loved how you took the time to encourage still single ladies at the end of your blog post. That was so considerate and encouraging!

    May the Lord continue to pour out His blessings on you both!


    1. Dear Ladies,

      Thank you so much!!!

      Jeri, yes, I feel SO blessed with my future mother-in-law! I had prayed for years that God would give me one who is very sweet, and boy did He ever answer that prayer!

      Esther, I’m SO glad you were encouraged!! I remember being encouraged by similar things before I had met Lars, so I *really* wanted to make sure I shared that!

      Nicole, oh wow!! Thank you SO much for praying for me! I’ve prayed for a lot of girls whose blogs I’ve read too, so I had actually wondered if any of my readers had done the same. Apparently so! What a blessing. 🙂

      Thank you, Moriah!! I’m so glad you were encouraged! All the waiting doesn’t matter once you meet the right person. <3. God bless you!

  2. Oh I’m soooo very happy for both of you!! God indeed is very good and He brought both of you together in a way that means the most to both of you!! I’ve been praying for you since I first started following your blog!! I want to wish you both all the happiness in the world!! Congratulations! !

  3. Oh, how sweet!!! Congratulations, Katrina!! I’m so excited for you and can’t wait to see how gorgeous your wedding will be. God is so great, and to see the marvelous ways in which he works is amazing.
    Thank you SO much for what you said for us girls who haven’t met the right guy yet. That was so encouraging, it almost brought tears to my eyes! Thank you so much for that.
    God bless you and Lars!! 🙂

  4. As I read my smile got bigger and bigger! I’m so happy for you. I wouldn’t bee surprised if Lars’ mother said something like my husband’s mother. When he told her we were to be married, the first thing she said was, “You need to call Mrs B– and thank her, because she’s been praying for you for years!” It’s a very good thing when your mother in law thinks you’re an answer to prayer! Continued blessings!

  5. Congratulations!! So exciting! 🙂

  6. Congratulations! What a beautiful courtship story. Lars sounds like an amazing man for you, and I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful life together with so many shared interests!

  7. Congratulations!!! I have loved following your blog and I LOVED reading your courtship story! I will be praying for you as you prepare for your wedding and for marriage! And I agree that it is so wonderful that you both have so many shared interests! I know you will discover that you have different love languages and personalities and will have your own challenges, but having a relationship grounded in Scripture and in the Lord will make it easier to seek Him and be humble and communicate and work out differences. I am SO excited for you! And I look forward to seeing your wedding dress! I know you and the whole wedding party are going to be so beautiful and handsome, and you will all have a wonderful time celebrating your marriage!

  8. So very happy for you. I hope you’ll do a full post of the wedding.

  9. Thank you for sharing this. He seems perfect in every particular!

  10. Oh Katrina! I just love every single bit of this! I love that he had the P&P quote on his photo and the thing about the Heavenly Man book is awesome! I so wish I could be there! I seriously considered it…then realized that’s MY anniversary weekend!! Ha! So we’ll have the same anniversary weekend (ours is the 18th—17 years). Many blessings to you! I’m so glad we’re friends!

    Love you!

  11. Jen, thank you SO much for the prayers! I appreciate them! <3

    Trudy, I will CERTAINLY be doing a full wedding post or two! I will simply have too many photos to only do one! 😉

    Sarah, that is so sweet! 😀 Too neat that we'll have almost the same date, and Happy Anniversary to you and your husband! Love you too!

  12. 🙂 A beautiful telling of your story. I’m sure you will both continue to be blessed. Congratulations!

    Best wishes,

  13. I can hardly see through my tears 🙂 Thank you God! Blessings and love always children of my heart <3

    1. Oh, thank you SO much Jeanine and dear Mrs. Holte!! That means SOOO much to me! <3

  14. This brings tears of joy! So happy for you!

  15. I love this!!!!! I’m so happy for you. Thank you for your advice at the end. I believe that it’s far superior to be single than to settle for something that DOESN’T feel as perfect as this does to you.

    Also, I’ve BEEN to the place where you got your engagement pictures taken… which makes me feel very connected somehow! In fact I have some pictures of myself there! 🙂 (It’s looooovely. And the view!!!!)

    1. Thank you so much, Quinn! I am looking forward to seeing your wedding dress, too!

      Meloddy, that is sooo sweet of you! Thank you so much for the kind words, and it’s too neat that you’ve been to the same location! 😀 God bless you! <3

  16. Katrina, love your name by the way,
    I am so happy for you, and as a single 29 yr old hearing of your engagement at 26 was so encouraging to me and the epilogue just reminded me of why I’m waiting. So happy for you. Love your blog, patterns, and the literature and movie references.
    (First comment on your blog even though I’ve been following for years)
    Wishing you lots of happiness as you plan and work towards your wedding,

    1. Dear Bethany,

      Thank you soooo much for the comment!! I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed the blog! I will pray for the right person for you! <3. May the Lord bless you!


  17. God always writes the best love stories, and they grow sweeter and deeper with time! I know the Lord will bless you both as you follow Him together. Can’t wait to see your gown and rejoice on your special day!

    1. Dear Jennie,

      Thank you so very much!! 😀 Isn’t God amazing? Back when I was about 19, the story of how you and your husband met really encouraged me a LOT. So I’m hoping that our story will encourage people in the same way!

      Love and blessings,

  18. Congratulations Katrina!! I just love to read stories of how God brings people together. : ) You are such a lovely couple! I can’t wait to see pictures of your wedding, as I know it will be beautiful. I love how you mentioned Lars playing “Edelweiss” for you on the piano, my husband does the same and it is so very sweet!

  19. I am so happy for you Katrina! I have become engaged recently as well, and I fully comprehend your joy right now! Your story and pictures are so sweet and romantic. People always say that Jane Austen heroes don’t exist, but I think you will agree with me that they do. Congratulations once again. I am greatly looking forward to seeing all your wedding plans!

  20. Dear Katrina,
    Congratulations! I loved reading the story of your courtship. It was very sweet! God is truly amazing and good. And He always has the best plans for us! I also have to mention that I love your note of encouragement to single young ladies at the end!
    God bless you and Lars!

  21. Katrina, Congratulations.
    I am so happy for you and hope you share many happy times together.
    Can’t wait to hear about the wedding prep.

  22. Wow,what a sweet and amazing story! Congratulations!!!

  23. Congratulations! Such a lovely story. And I’m looking forward to the next chapter, so many exciting things ahead for you and your beloved. Wishing the best for you both.

    1. Thank you SOOO much, Ladies!! 🙂 I am so happy to share this story with you, and I can hardly wait to post wedding prep pictures!

  24. Congratulations! I look forward for seeing more about your dress!

  25. […] you probably read in my last blog post, I met my future husband while dancing!  At a ball!  (While I was wearing my Scarlett […]

  26. Frances Dorrestein

    Dear Katrina,
    I am so late reading your blog, but nevertheless I wanted to tell you how lovely it was to read your love story and about you sewing your beautiful wedding dress. Mine was also peau de soie, and early Victorian in style, and we have been married for 32 very happy years. I wish you and Lars many many years of happiness together.

    1. Dear Frances,

      Thank you so much for your kind words! Your wedding dress sounds absolutely lovely, and I’m so happy to hear you’ve been married so long!

      All the best,

  27. […] together, and for giving me the happiest “happily ever after” I could dream about!  (Here is the story of how we met at a […]

  28. […] especially the Lord for bringing us together in such an amazing way!  (Our relationship story is here.)  I’d also like to thank all of you readers who have been such an encouragement to me for […]

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