Hello, One and All!

I can’t wait to let you see what I did just yesterday – I went to the grand Regency ball at the Assembly Rooms in Bath, England!  This is the one main event in England that I have been looking forward to the most throughout all of 2013, and which I have sewn towards with the most diligence and anticipation. 🙂  Moreover, this gown I sewed is entirely stitched by hand and made of 100% silk (excluding the lace overlay), and I sewed each ribbon flower and gathered all the ivory ribbon by hand as well.  The bodice is all embroidered with pearls and “smocked” with tiny bubble ruching that took me quite a long time to do. 


Once I get back to the U.S. of A I will let you all see how the dress looked from the early stages of construction through to its completion. (Update: the link is now ready here!)  But at the moment I want to focus on the day’s monumental events and the most amazing “grand and glorious party”!  So without further ado, here are some pictures!


We arrived to the regal Assembly Rooms in a horse drawn carriage…
These magnificent chandeliers were so glorious that they could be quite distracting when you were trying to walk beneath them.
It was so lovely to meet Lyze Lynch in person, as she makes the most magnificent costumes and recently won the “Your Wardrobe Unlock’d” costume competition a couple of years ago. And we were both wearing tiaras! 🙂
And then the dancing began… I’m very appreciatve to Jennie Chancey from the famous www.sensibility.com for taking some pictures throughout the evening!


The dancing continued for hours and hours, even after dinner and dessert had been served in the formal dining rooms.  In the very room where Jane Austen must have danced over 200 years ago, hundreds of ladies and gentleman in full Regency garb danced the night away under the sparkling chandeliers of the ballroom…  I cannot possibly imagine a more joyful or uplifiting time!  And when at last the clock struck midnight, it was with great reluctance that we all headed out into the chilly night air to return to the twenty first century. 

But this most marvelous evening will forever be etched in my memory, and I promise to share more pictures (and possibly even videos) in the near future.

Happy dancing!


  1. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL and STUNNING!!!!!!!

  2. It looks like you’ve had a marvelous time! Thank you for posting photos and blogging your way through your trip. Your dress looks like it came off a fashion plate! 😀

  3. A horse drawn carriage! That’s so fantastic! (And I’m jealous!) Please do share videos!


  4. Katrina, your dress is amazingly stunning and so becoming on you! I can’t imagine all the work that went into creating such a lovely gown. Well done! I’m so glad you’re having a wonderful time on your travels.

    1. Thank you, Ladies!! I can’t believe that I was actually able to go to such a marvelous event. I am soooo thankful to the Lord for giving me this opportunity, and all the hours of hand sewing were well worth it! Many more pictures to come. 😉

  5. I can’t believe you sewed that entire dress by hand! Very amazing. 🙂

  6. Wow! That gown is absolutely GORGEOUS! I so wish I had been there, but at least I can feast my eyes on the pictures!

  7. […] decided to wear the sparkling gold and crystal tiara which I wore to the grand Regency ball in England, so I took it along to my hair […]

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