A Video of my Pride & Prejudice Film Locations Tour

Hello, Ladies!

I have just put together an eleven minute video taking you on a tour of all the Pride & Prejudice film locations I visited in England last fall, along with some video clips of the Grand Regency Ball from the Jane Austen Festival 2013!  I have set up this video to run in chronological order, as if you were watching the 1995 version of Pride & Prejudice (minus the words, of course).  🙂

In each location I wore a costume reproduction of either Elizabeth Bennet’s or Georgiana Darcy’s film wardrobe, though in the room where Mr. Darcy proposed to Elizabeth I had to wear a reproduction of a Jane Bennet Regency day dress, and at the interior of Pemberly I had to wear my Georgiana Darcy costume for the Elizabeth Bennet “scenes”.  (Because I could only wear one outfit a day, I was not able to change for each location.)

Traveling to all these locations on various days and realizing how many different places were used for even just one scene gave me a tiny glimpse into what would have gone into the making of Pride & Prejudice.  And once I started making the video, I realized even more how much the scenes “jump around” from place to place!  For instance, Mr. Darcy’s letter begins at “Rosings Park” (Belton House in real life), then transitions to the exterior of “Pemberly” (Lyme Park).  Next we see Mr. Darcy and Mr. Wickham at “Cambridge” (the interior of the Lacock Abbey in real life), then it cuts to the interior of “Pemberly” (Sudburry Hall) where Mr. Wickham receives his check of 3,000 pounds from Mr. Darcy and bumps into Georgiana.  And the funny thing is that we were at those locations on four totally separate days – so you can see how it would be difficult in making a film to keep the continuity with all those different locations!  (NOTE:  The video is embedded in this blog post below, but in case you can’t see it the link to the video on Youtube is here.)

Do be advised that if you are not a diehard Pride & Prejudice (1995) fan, you may not understand the pink swirling fabric at the intro, or the change of locations during Mr. Darcy’s letter, or the skipping at Longbourn….  But I sincerely hope that everyone who follows my blog is as big of a Pride & Prejudice fan as I am, and will get the point of why I did what I did with the music, pictures, and video at the exact timing that it was in the film.  If you don’t recognize all the shots, I would recommend watching all four episodes of this BBC adaptation ASAP.!:)  It is one of the greatest pieces of television of all times, and will surely lift your spirits. 

I hope you all enjoy this trip into the English countryside, and I hope you can feel as if you just visited the spots I saw in Jane Austen’s beloved England along with the rest of our group.  And for any of you who didn’t follow my blog while I was in England, I have very detailed posts about the tour and about my costumes that I recreated if you go back to the “Archives” section from September 2013-November 2013 (in the sidebar of this blog).

Have a marvelous week!


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  1. I really enjoyed your video Katrina!!
    I hope I can go on the tour someday! 🙂

  2. What a cool video!! 🙂 What an amazing trip and what a treat to see everything! Thanks for sharing.

  3. This was SO beautiful and SO well done! Thank you Katrina for sharing your very special talents and journey! It makes me want to go even more! <3
    God has blessed us indeed.

  4. Oh my goodness!! This absolutely fantastic! You timed the music perfectly. I completely understood right off the turning fabric, and you even made the hallway darkened where Darcy was remembering Elizabeth as he walked with his dogs and a candlesitck back to the music room alone. Oh man! You didn’t miss a beat! I understood every single second, shot, and musical attachment to the pictures. I love how you made the music match exactly at the point where Darcy comes out of the brush and runs into Elizabeth, and there you stood. Awesome! I am in love with this, because you make it feel real! You’re amazing! Thanks so much for bringing this to those of us who are dreaming of such an adventure.
    Now, what tour WAS this, exactly? Or should I read the entire blog first. 😉
    Thanks again! Marvelous!

    1. Dear Jennifer,

      Thank you so much for your lovely comment!! I think you’re the first person who’s pointed out the darker hall at the point where Darcy was walking back to the living room. So neat! I’m glad someone caught that. 🙂 I tried to be as accurate with the music as possible, especially at the major turning points like Wickham with Georgiana during Mr. Darcy’s letter and when Elizabeth and Darcy nearly collide at Pemberly. 🙂

      The tour was led by “P&P Tours”. They did an amazing job and they have a gorgeous website, as well!

      Thank you again for the wonderful comment! It really brightened my day. 🙂
      Happy sewing,

  5. What an amazing experience! Your video was perfect in all it’s timings and scenes for us Pride & Pejudice fans.
    Your costumes so accurate! Do you sell the patterns to these.
    I would be greatly interested in them.
    Thank you so much for sharing a most beautiful experience.
    Kindness regards
    Sairah xxx

    1. Sairah,

      Thank you so much for the lovely comment! It was the most marvelous trip I’ve ever been on. <3

      I don't sell the patterns for these, but there are some excellent Regency patterns at http://www.sensibility.com

      Happy sewing!

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