Liesl’s Dress Customer Photos
Hello Ladies! Here are some gorgeous pictures sent in by Joy who sewed a lovely dress from our Liesl’s Dancing Dress pattern. She writes, “Hello, Katrina! I love your Liesl dress pattern! I made it last year for my highschool graduation photos and wore it Easter Sunday to church.” Looking at these photographs, I’m sure she was the best-dressed person at her church!

These pictures look so charming and feminine with the parasol. I’d never even thought of using a parasol with the Liesl dress, but it’s the perfect accessory!

Joy did a fabulous job on the details, as you can see on the perfectly stitched ribbon trim. To see more of her lovely creations, visit her wonderful blog!

After finishing her own dress, she also sewed a darling pink dress for her little sister from the same fabric as her Liesl dress! (The pattern for Liesl’s Dress in Little Girls’s Sizes hadn’t been released at that point yet, so she concocted her own design with a similar fluttery skirt).

If you have photos you’d like to share from an Edelweiss Patterns design, send them our way!
Haven’t made a dress for summer since the sew a long…I have made a 40’s inspired skirt and blouse combo though.
I’m trying to decide on my next project there are 2 dresses that appeal. Either a shirt dress or a 50’s horrockses dress I found a free pattern for….I have in mind a pale blue polkadot fabric with white piping…or a pink with black piping.
Hello LadyD,
Oh that sounds lovely! Both those polka dot fabrics sound adorable for a 1950s dress.
Happy sewing!
I’m getting into all those old hollywood musicals at the moment….I find they give me lots of inspiration for outfits. They all seem to ‘flow’ so beautifully.