Today I’m sharing photos of dresses that customers have made using our Edelweiss Patterns designs. I’ve been wanting to share these for a while, but …
A Year’s Worth of Customer Dress Results

Sewing Patterns Inspired by Classic Cinema
Today I’m sharing photos of dresses that customers have made using our Edelweiss Patterns designs. I’ve been wanting to share these for a while, but …
Hello, Ladies! If you all were following the auction for Maria’s Wedding Dress which I wrote about in detail several weeks back, you were undoubtedly waiting to …
The Real von Trapp Wedding ~ On November 27th, 1929, Captain Georg Ritter von Trapp and Maria Augusta Kutschera were wed …
In June of 2011, Debbie Reynolds auctioned off her impressive collection of film memorabilia which included numerous “Sound of Music” costumes from the 1965 production. …
“I’m Liesl. I’m sixteen years old, and I don’t need a governess!” So said Liesl in the “Sound of Music” stageplay back in the 1950s, and …
If you are familiar with the von Trapp family story, you have probably wondered before, “Did Maria really make the children playclothes from her bedroom …