Every year, the White Christmas costumes continue to inspire me almost as if I’d never watched them before. The rustling skirts, fitted bodices, and artfully …
The Original White Christmas Costumes, Next to our Pattern!

Sewing Patterns Inspired by Classic Cinema
Every year, the White Christmas costumes continue to inspire me almost as if I’d never watched them before. The rustling skirts, fitted bodices, and artfully …
Our New Pattern for Fabric Flowers ~ Inspired by 1950s Paris Fashion Houses Do you ever wish your everyday outfits made you feel more elegant? …
“The 1950s Sisters Dress Pattern” is officially finished and added to our collection of classic cinema inspired patterns!! It is back from the printer and …
I am getting closer to having my wedding ceremony pictures all ready to post here, but in the meantime I have something better to share …
I’m so thrilled to share the official portraits from our pre-wedding photographs! My favorites of Lars and I were actually taken after the wedding, so …
Hello, dear Readers! I can’t wait to share pictures of my wedding here on the blog, but first I wanted to show you the pictures …